Im Folgenden Interview wird Drake wärend den Dreharbeiten von Drake and Josh BCE von Miranda interviewt...
MIRANDA: Have you ever played any pranks on anyone on set?
DRAKE: Let's try and think about this...
MIRANDA: Besides all the things you've done to me? Just kidding.
DRAKE: (laughs) Let me try and think--Have we pulled any pranks today, or this entire shoot?
DRAKE: I know... This is a terrible question. See, you can't ask a question like that with no answer, unless there is a loaded answer.
MIRANDA: What's it like working with Josh again?
DRAKE: It's awesome! It's totally cool! We haven't worked together for two years -- and you! It's really cool. I love getting everybody back together again and I just love -- it's awesome! It's a bummer it's almost over.
MIRANDA: I know.
DRAKE: Yeah, it's a bummer. I got to come over and work on iCarly now.
MIRANDA: Yeah you should.
MIRANDA: What do you do during your down time on set?
DRAKE: During my time on set, I hang out at the crafts service table. Eat carrots and celery.
MIRANDA: Did you try the cupcakes today?
DRAKE: Yeah, they're delicious! Did you try them the other day when they had the chocolate chips in the cupcakes? I've never seen that before. It was awesome!
MIRANDA: What do you do during your down time on set?
DRAKE: Something that you wouldn't know about me -- I'm an avid reader. I read a lot of books, usually thousand pagers.
MIRANDA: Nice. Novels.
DRAKE: Yeah, you know.
MIRANDA: Do you have any on screen crushes or girlfriends in the movie?
DRAKE: On-screen crushes? I don't think I can have any on-screen crushes because everyone in this movie is like nine years old. We're working mostly with the foster kids. Oh, wait! I do have two kissing scenes, so I guess there are two on-screen crushes.
MIRANDA: Tell us about them.
DRAKE: Well one I was dressed like Santa Claus, it was quite funny because you know the hair with the beard, it's difficult to kiss with it on because you get it in the mouth! And the other one was behind the bleachers while the cops were chasing Josh around. I was busy making out, which was nice for me.
MIRANDA: What's been your favorite part of filming the movie so far?
DRAKE: Favorite part about filming the movie so far? I don't know. There's a lot of things. All the kids were great. Working with Kimbo Slice is awesome, playing Bludge. He's so cool. And getting to work with all of you guys again, getting you know, Nancy, and Jonathon, and Josh, and you, and everybody -- It's really cool. It's like a big family reunion!
MIRANDA: If you were reincarnated, what would you come back as in your next life?
DRAKE: Who would I like to come back as or what would I come back as? Probably, a really, really rich person's dog.
MIRANDA: Which scene in the movie is your favorite?
DRAKE: Probably the snow scene because it was a lot of fun and the snow looks super real. And it looks really cool having all the houses without any snow and that one house be completely covered in snow and looks like winter.
MIRANDA: Even though it was really hot outside.
DRAKE: Yeah, it was like 117 degrees outside! And we were wearing sweaters and sweating. It was very nice.
MIRANDA: Making snow angels.
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